Co-op Culture is a co-operative consortium of members and associates who support co-operative, community and social enterprises across the UK.  The members own and democratically control the co-operative.  Associates have no governance role, but are people we contract in to provide additional expertise.  We also actively work in partnership with other Co-operative Development practitioners.  Link to read more about our journey to membership.

Andrew Woodcock – Acorn Co-op Support

Nathan Brown

Mark Simmonds


Jonathan Atkinson – community energy and energy efficiency

Matt Taylor of Forest and Land – social forestry and land management

OrganicLea – community agriculture and food distribution

Quantum Strategy and Technology – business support around energy and sustainability

Simon Garrod (Leeds Bread Co-operative) – co-operative bakery consultant (link coming)

Third Sector Accountancy Ltd – accounting and audit

cukworkers coop